Councils & Commissions

Parish Council

Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body normally comprised of twelve selected parishioners. The council’s function is to represent the wisdom of the church community and the interests of the people to the pastor. The council also provides communication, coordination and cooperation among parish organizations and parishioners.

President: Pat Higgins, 937-281-1313

Church Renovation Focus Group Meeting: Focus Group Questions (March 2019

Parish Pastoral Council By-Laws

Parish Pastoral Council Constitution

Finance Council

The Finance Council is a consultative body appointed by the pastor to provide guidance to the pastor and pastoral staff on budget and financial management matters.

The budget is prepared yearly by the Finance Council with information and requests of parish departments. It is presented for approval to the pastor and the Parish Council each May.

Denny Wolters, President  

Annual Parish Finance Reports

Parish 2021-2022 Annual Finance Report
Parish 2020-2021 Annual Finance Report
Parish 2019-2020 Annual Finance Report
Parish 2018-2019 Annual Finance Report
Parish 2017-2018 Annual Finance Report
Parish 2016-2017 Annual Finance Report

Worship Commission

In addition to the ordained ministries, there are roles in the liturgy which are exercised by lay people who volunteer their time and talent at the service of the liturgical assembly.  Pastors need the help of the people who are serious about living out their baptismal right and responsibility to worship.  This commission has members who participate in a variety of ministries and roles to support our daily and weekly liturgies:

Athletic Association

Mission: Catholic Youth Athletics furthers the mission of the Catholic Church by providing sports experiences for youth that are firmly rooted in the Catholic faith tradition, based on the goals of Catholic youth ministry, and aligned with the evangelizing mission of the Catholic Church.

Goals: Catholic Youth Athletics is a form of youth ministry that leads young people closer to Christ, and takes its inspiration and directions from the 1997 U.S. Bishops’ document, Renewing the Vision – A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry. That document identifies three overarching goals for all youth programs in the U.S. Catholic Church:

  • Discipleship: to empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today.
  • Participation: to draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community.
  • Growth: to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.

The Saint Albert the Great Athletic Association/Youth Sports program, in keeping with the Mission of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Charter on Youth Athletics, offers various sports programs to all students from the parish. The program is also available to students from surrounding parishes that do not offer a particular sport.

President: Renee Cope

For the School's Athletic Association page, click here


Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

PTO Parent Teacher Organization - St. Albert the Great Catholic School

The St. Albert the Great PTO is a fundraising group that supports programs in the school.

President: Sara Anderson

Click here to go to School's PTO page