Deacon Dick Strominger has moved to North Carolina, where he will be closer to his daughter and grandchildren.

It will be a great loss to St. Albert the Great, the Kettering Catholic Community, and our Dayton community.  However, it is best for
his health and well-being.

Deacon Dick has served St. Albert the Great and our community since 2007.

In 2007, he was the Adult Faith / RCIA Coordinator for St. Albert the Great, and guided many adult faith studies such as Digging Deeper into the Word, Lenten / Advent studies, and Faith study groups.

He became a Deacon in 2019, and since then, has been involved in Adoration, Benediction, Exposition, and Communion to the Homebound.
He has given me permission to share his new address:
Deacon Dick Strominger
154 White Apple Way
Statesville, NC. 28625
